The Crucial Role of Middle Managers in Fostering Employee Wellbeing: A Proven Approach

At The Proven Group, we understand the immense responsibility that middle managers carry in influencing the mental health and wellbeing of their teams. Recent research underscores just how significant this role is, revealing that managers impact their employees’ mental health as much as their spouses or partners, and even more than doctors or therapists. 

The findings highlight a critical reality: 69% of employees believe their managers have more influence on their mental health than healthcare professionals. Yet, a concerning one in three managers may not fully grasp the extent of their influence, with 68% of employees wishing their managers would do more to support their mental health. 

Given the introduction of new Codes of Practice for managing psychosocial hazards in the workplace, the onus is on HR to ensure that middle managers are equipped with the necessary tools to foster a safe and supportive work environment. While HR professionals are well-versed in these guidelines, the key to effectively managing psychosocial risks lies in the behaviour and capabilities of middle managers. 

Creating Psychosocial Safety: The Manager’s Role 

At the core of psychosocial safety is trust. Employees need to feel safe with their managers, which is built on transparency, honesty, and vulnerability. These so-called “soft skills” are no longer optional—they are essential, and in some cases, legal requirements. For managers to foster a safe and supportive environment, they must communicate clearly and frequently, especially during times of change. 

Change management is another critical area where managers often fall short. Many managers under-communicate, leading to uncertainty and mistrust. Ensuring that employees hear important updates directly from their managers, rather than through office gossip, strengthens trust and reinforces the organisation’s commitment to transparency. 

Recognition and appreciation also play a pivotal role in creating a psychologically safe workplace. Employees need to feel valued and respected, not just through fair pay but also through ongoing support for their growth and development. Simple acts of gratitude from managers can significantly boost morale and reduce the risk of psychosocial hazards. 

Supporting Managers in Their Role 

While managers play a crucial role in employee wellbeing, it’s important to recognise that they, too, are under pressure. The same research found that managers are often more stressed than their team members, with a significant number feeling burned out. The economic challenges of recent years have exacerbated this, with managers being asked to do more with less, often without adequate support or resources. 

To truly empower managers, HR must prioritise their wellbeing alongside that of their teams. This includes providing training that focuses on both the psychosocial safety of employees and the managers themselves. If managers perceive these new requirements as just another task on their already overflowing to-do list, they are less likely to engage meaningfully with them. 

Creating a culture of shared accountability is crucial. Managers should feel safe reporting psychosocial hazards without fear of blame. Every team will encounter challenges, but addressing them early and effectively is what sets great managers apart. HR has a vital role to play in fostering this culture by acting as a trusted partner and advocate for middle managers. 

Redefining HR’s Role in the Modern Workplace 

The new psychosocial hazards legislation offers HR a unique opportunity to redefine its role within organisations. By becoming champions for middle management, HR can build a culture of trust and transparency, where managers feel supported and empowered to address challenges head-on. 

At The Proven Group, we are committed to equipping managers with the skills and tools they need to create a safe and supportive work environment. By investing in the wellbeing of both managers and their teams, we are helping to build workplaces where everyone can thrive, even in the face of adversity. 

In this evolving landscape, HR has the chance to lead the way in creating safer, healthier workplaces. It’s an opportunity that we at The Proven Group are excited to embrace, working hand-in-hand with our clients to navigate the complexities of modern workforce management.