Transitioning into the workplace can be exciting, but it can also be a very difficult process emotionally. Research and studies show that over 85% of 18-34-year-olds feel like their professional ambitions are not being met, while almost a quarter reported unhappiness at work. Why are so many young workers disappointed?
While there are many ways to explain these statistics, some have pointed to the fact that starting a career is intrinsically hard—there are too many options, not only in terms of finding the right job but also in terms of managing your expectations when you do. With social media, we’re often surrounded by what can appear to be everyone else’s successes and very little insight into the realities of what entering the workplace is actually like. And don’t forget people don’t post the negative aspect of their life only the glow and gloss of their life! And yet the truth is that it’s very rare to land your ideal job on your first try; it’s even rare to know what your ideal job actually is. – For more information –
It’s completely normal to feel like the first few jobs you take aren’t quite the right fit, even when you thought you’d enjoy them. But while it’s also normal to feel disappointment, you shouldn’t forget that starting your career requires a bit of experimentation. You haven’t failed if you’re not happy at your first (or second, or third) job; you’ve just gained a better understanding of what it is that you want and don’t want from your career. Remember that it’s uncommon for people to stick with their first role or career choice, and nothing but seeing for yourself can get you accurate insight into what you’re looking for!
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