Employer of Choice
As individuals and businesses alike transition to the ‘new normal,’ it’s essential for business owners to be well-prepared. The anticipated ‘Great Resignation’ emphasizes the importance of aligning with employees’ lifestyle preferences. Getting this right is not just crucial; it is a necessity for your business.

Successful business owners are recognized for their agility, flexibility, and adaptability. In the face of challenges or threats, proactive solutions are essential. The unknown remains unknown, making it crucial to plan effectively. Acknowledging the difficulties experienced and the toll it has taken, the question now arises – where do we go from here?
The return to the workplace has become a crucial topic, especially for those who have been working remotely for extended periods. Emotions surrounding when, how, and what the workplace will look like going forward vary, causing concern and anxiety among teams. Conversely, some find relief and joy in the lifting of the burden, heralding a return to a semblance of normalcy. Undoubtedly, whether explicitly acknowledged or not, changes have occurred in our work lives. Adapting to these circumstances prompts reflection – should we accept these changes or introduce new ones? Processes have been adjusted or modified; it’s time to assess whether these were temporary or permanent changes.
Is it perhaps time for a comprehensive review? Equally important, can you effectively manage your employees with the current policies and procedures in place?
Have you outlined your Return to the Workplace Strategy? Is there a clear plan in place, and have you sought input from your employees?
The multitude of considerations to manage can be overwhelming, and that’s where we step in to assist! Let us guide you on the path to becoming a Preferred Employer.
Key considerations for business owners:
Return to the Workplace Strategy
Employee Engagement Survey to Gauge Employee Perspectives
EAP Assistance for Employees
Employer Obligations under Relevant Legislation
Up-to-Date COVID-19 Safe Plans
Compliance with Privacy Laws for Employees’ COVID Vaccination Certificates
Vaccination Policies
Updates to Employment Contracts Reflecting the Business’s Vaccination Position
Working From Home Policy
By proactively addressing these areas of concern, you are on the path to achieving the esteemed status of a Preferred Employer. If you require assistance in implementing these activities, we are here to help.
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